Even though social media times, email marketing continues to be a good way to increase your sales.
Today you will learn how to write a good HTML for your campaigns, adding more value to the user experience on it.

1 – Use W3C validation
You should confirm your code by implementing W3C rules. It will verify if the coding is correct by following some patterns.

2 – Work with tables instead of CSS
Email marketing uses tables because some email clients can’t understand CSS.
If you need CSS, use inline style instead of an external file or the <style> tag in the head of your HTML document.

3 – Avoid Divs
As we said above email marketing uses only tables, so avoid Divs.

4 – Rowspan and Colspan are a bad choice
Do not add rowspan or colspan, using those attributes you will position a table inside another one.
Some old outlook versions do not accept it, as well as, it is not considered a good practice by email servers and your message could go to the spam box.

5 – Always use valign=”top”
Place it on your first <td> to align .
<td valign=”top” width=”350”></td>

6 – Make use of width
In the tag <td> insert the width every time rather than place it inside the <table> tag.
<table cellspacing=”0” cellpadding =”0” border=”0”>
<td width =”120”></td>
<td width =”480”></td>

7 – IFRAMES are a terrible way to code
To add links please work with <a href> instead of IFRAMES several email servers can not recognize it.

8 – Keep away from forms
They will be blocked by outlook, besides, you will take the risk of being considered spam.

9 – Javascript is forbidden
Do not use Javascript, it will be chunked by the firewalls.

10 – Steer clear of padding and margin
In your CSS inline, try to put cellpadding, cellspacing and border, always remember we must include a value for it even if it is empty.
If you do not add any number the email servers could do it by themselves, by reason of, each company has a structured pattern, by doing it they could mess up your layout.
Here we go with 10 tips to have good HTML for your email marketing campaign, increasing the user experience on it and your sales.
We already have talked about anti-spam rules check this article out too.
keep an eye on our posts.
Wrote by Rafael de Rezende Basso